How To Compare White Rice And Brown Rice For A Better Workout Routine
A good workout is based on three things – dedication, proper knowledge and a disciplined diet. Even though people have leisure on the first two parts of the exercise routine at times, they prefer not to compromise on the part of the diet and get very scrutinizing all the way.
Every food product related to body building and control falls under some or the other controversy as well as comparison. If one supplement works well for one person, the other works better for someone else. This mostly does not have a relation with the product but the compatibility and confidence of the consumer over that product.
One of the most misleading controversies in the world of diet and body building is the comparison between white rice and brown rice. People have made it a fact in their mind regarding brown rice to be better than white rice when following a controlled diet with enhanced nutrition.
Is It True All The Way?
The belief that brown rice is better than white rice is actually wrong in a lot of aspects.
Let’s Look Upon All The Factors That Make A Person Choose Brown Rice Over White Rice.
Glycemic Index
- The Glycemic Index is often seen on food products all over the world. The symbol for Glycemic Index is “GI”. The GI value in a food product classifies it based on how quickly the food raises the amount of sugar levels in our body.
- The higher the amount of GI, more is the sugar level in the blood. This is the cause of rate of digestion of the food that we consume.
- So, basically if your food contains more amounts of GI then it is good for your digestion which directly effects the body positively and for body building health, it becomes a key factor.
- Brown rice contains more “GI” than white rice and it makes a win in this factor.
But Does It Matter?
If you have fasted for the whole day and eat only rice at night, then yes. Otherwise, not at all.
It is because an average person eats more than just rice in a day. And that affects the amount of “GI” index in your body after which eating any kind of rice will not change the way your body digests food. So, even though brown rice has more Glycemic Index, it does not really matter for people who want a better diet routine.
Apart from the time required to digest food, the ability to digest more efficiently is also a big factor for those who want every ounce of proteins and nutrients squeezed out and utilized by the body.
The evident proof after numerous experiments among different people from different fields of life like sports, desk jobs, etc. and it was found that people eating brown rice have more cases of bloating, gastric, lethargy, cramps and constipation.
In this case white rice is relatively friendlier to the consumers. Rather than gas which is common, white rice has no other side effects to a person and are considered light weighed food all over the world.
Arsenic Content
Arsenic is toxic but it is found in most of the food products and shockingly in water too. So, if a person has to inevitably consume arsenic through water, vegetables and fruits, it is preferable not to consume it on choice.
Brown rice which is said to be rich in everything is actually rich in arsenic too. So, in one case that does affect a person’s health drastically, brown rice has a lot more amounts of arsenic than white rice.
After reading all these factors, it is clear that the rumor about brown rice being great and white rice to be avoidable for a person working out is false. So, it is up to the user to eat whatever rice he wants at any time as both gave almost same advantages and disadvantages. Personally, I would prefer white rice because of the disadvantages being lesser than brown rice.
Micro Nutrients And Anti Nutrients

Apart from the time required to digest food, the ability to digest more efficiently is also a big factor for those who want every ounce of proteins and nutrients squeezed out and utilized by the body.
The evident proof after numerous experiments among different people from different fields of life like sports, desk jobs, etc. and it was found that people eating brown rice have more cases of bloating, gastric, lethargy, cramps and constipation.
In this case white rice is relatively friendlier to the consumers. Rather than gas which is common, white rice has no other side effects to a person and are considered light weighed food all over the world.
Fiber And Proteins

- The second most spread rumor is that brown rice contains more fiber and proteins than white rice which is true but not effectively.
- Brown rice is unpolished and with polishing it becomes white rice. The removal of the brown layer itself brings the change in the amount of fiber and proteins.
But Does It Matter?
Not in most of the scenarios as the amount of proteins and fiber does not vary much. Take this chart of Carolina Brown Vs White Rice as an example.
The difference in white and brown rice shown in the chart above clearly states that there is no profit of preferring brown over white.
- Brown rice had more calorific value than white rice by 10 per gram serving
- The total fat in brown rice is just 1 and none in white rice which might be a positive side for white rice too
- For those who want more carbohydrates in their diet, and want a buff meal, white rice has more carbohydrate value
- Potassium might be a good thing for the ones maintaining a healthy diet as it helps in many body functions like better transmission of nervous signals, fluid balance and various chemical reactions for a better metabolism. White rice has no potassium value and this factor gives a win to brown rice over white
However, if you look in details about the nutrition value of both the rice types, you will notice that they are significantly similar. And just because the white rice is polished, the companies manufacturing it mostly add more protein and carbohydrates back into the product making it more nutritious than brown rice in reality or at least equal.