Which Is Better Lipo Laser Or Ultrasonic Cavitation?

Which Is Better Lipo Laser Or Ultrasonic Cavitation?

Many people are looking for the best way to get rid of their pesky fat. Crunches, diets, and other exercise routines have become an integral part of many people’s lives as they work hard to get fit. But with the invention of new technologies and medical practices, losing weight has become significantly less difficult than…

What Is Kenpo P90x?

What Is Kenpo P90x?

Have you heard of the Kenpo p90x and wondered what it is? Well, congratulations! You’ve come to the right place. This blog post will tell you everything you need to know about Kenpo p90x, including what it is and how it’s done. Kenpo p90x is a 45-minute Japanese martial art workout routine that uses your…

How Long Is P90x Yoga?

How Long Is P90x Yoga?

Are you wondering or checking your schedule and trying to find the answer to “How long are P90X Yoga workouts?” So that you can incorporate them into your lifestyle.  After all, everyone wishes to stay healthy and fit.  Well. The P90X version of Yoga is a DVD based intense exercise. It is commonly considered one…

Should I Drink Protein Shakes After Cardio?

Should I Drink Protein Shakes After Cardio?

Protein is a part of your body’s normal, daily functions and is necessary for muscle growth. But Should you drink Protein after Cardio?  You’re not alone if you’ve been wondering whether or not to drink a protein shake after your cardio workout. Unquestionably one of the most common supplementation questions out there might be this….